communicate with us :D

Wednesday 18 August 2010

di kala kami sakai menggunakan compass dalam topik compass survey..LOL

Ms.PHSL asked us to try the compass, due to the practical which held during the afternoon.. Those are some of the pictures.. Only in a classroom *yg dluar malas ehh* :P

nah liat ne gmbr d atas ne.. urg sibuk mliat compass drg bhapa tu naah? HAHAHA jgn mare~ :))

yours sincerely,
maii : )

Wednesday 11 August 2010


wafi- "amalia, jangan tinggalkan daku sesungguhnya bukit ini sangat letih bila dijalani sorang sorang"
amalia - "wahai wafi yang berbaju putih dibelakangku ,,apa yang kau merepek ani??ngalih kali ku ah"
Fitri yang jauh entah dimana merasa gundah,kerana dia jauh dengan buah hatinya"

(MALAS KU SAMBUNG )ahhahaha just kidding okay??no makan hati okay???and me dun know how to make a story:)

everyone say CHEESEE????? aaa,,sadly syifa is not here in this picture:(
nice view,,right??:)))<3
syifa(PEACEE),,qilaaa:) ,,ZIEE,,itahhhh,wafi,aleeff and there's goes our GMT bebeh MALI:)

itahhhhh doesn't realize i took a snap when she was messing with faiz (i think :p,,if im not mistaken)

everyone is hyper up before we go go go hikingggggggggggg.....
seriously,, when syifa<3>take this photo my legs is still tremblingggg & shaking shakinggg..
half way to bukit 2:))
that one yellow guy (AL ALEEF) were surrounded by GMT girlsss...<3

okayy,,enough with the picture:p ..thankyouuu to all gmt member, kerana banyak menolong dan berkerjasama semasa mendaki ane,,sangat sangatlahhh dihargai..
aku inda tau lagi apa kan cakap,soo bubye???ahaha
btw qila here:)<3